The Bicol Clinic Foundation’s Haiti relief team set out with two physicians, two medical students, and a volunteer. They left on January 16th, 2010 to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic via commercial airlines. At Santo Domingo, they met a nurse, physician, two Haitian Americans, and three journalist-photographers, and these individuals were invited to join a chartered plane that would fly into Port-au-Prince, Haiti. In Port-au-Prince, they met another physician who wanted to join the group.

View relief efforts

  • The relief team brought 15 large boxes of donated medical supplies.
  • They slept in tents on the property of one of the Haitian American's Aunt. They conducted all of the medical care at the University General Hospital of Haiti.
  • The group stayed until January 25th, 2010 and they were able to tend to hundreds of patients.
  • The team administered IVs, created splints and casting of limbs, administered Tetanus shots, as well as antibiotic and pain shots.
  • There was a vast amount of wound care to treat all of the infected lesions and amputated limbs.
  • They helped to carry in new patients found in the rubble.
  • They were the first medical team to have provided food and water for the patients being cared for.
  • They gave out toys for the children and clothing for all of the patients who had lost everything.
The Bicol Clinic Foundation is a recognized as a 501c3 registered charity